With the bomb here disabled, exit through the door on the far side of the room to exit onto the DE connecting bridge.
Once you KO him, run to the far end of the walkway and use the action button to open the grate. The bomb here is located under a grate where the lower level guard is patrolling. One in the center of the area, another one patrolling very close to the left of where you entered the room, and another directly below you on the lowest level of the area. Strut D Sediment Pool There are three guards here. Use your Socom to knock it out, and then go inside to Strut D. Once you get there you'll see Pliskin sneaking across the bridge in a cardboard box, then run across the bridge to find a camera guarding the far door. Then run through this area through the north door to exit to the CD Connecting Bridge.
Go into the Woman's (the one on the right) and look up at the light fixture near the right mirror to find the C4 ( video walkthrough to the location). Before you leave this kitchen, activate the node in the left part of the room, and then head down towards the restrooms where you first entered this area. There is one in each Strut, beginning with this one. Strut C Dining Hall Once yet another never-ending cinema comes to a close, you'll have to hunt down and find six bombs scattered around this section of the Big Shell.